Monday, April 25, 2011

The Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 finally makes its debut…

This camera was one of the first vintage cameras that Brandon and I bought, so it was nice to finally take it out and shoot with it.  I was pleasantly surprised with the way the photos turned out, considering I was experimenting with settings and really had no idea what I was doing.  I really love the square (almost) frames and the settings were fairly easy to figure out. 
Each roll of 120 film can take 8 square frames with the Nettar 515/2 camera.  I was able to get 8 full frames, a few were throw-aways because I was metering for the sky to try and get a feel for the camera and see exactly how it shot.  We shot on a sunny day, but there was still a bit of haze in the distance.  While shooting, I wasn’t exactly confident that the photos would turn out, but am fairly pleased with the camera and the results from our first shoot with it.  I have to say, there is something that I really love about the look of these film photos taken from our vintage camera. 
89440003Looking down at Heidelberg Castle.
89440007Monastery ruins at Heiligenberg.

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